First “Journey” – a mini-trip

Hi folks!

We’re just back from a three-day jaunt down to Elkhart to pick up our trekking buggy (sorry, I’m stuck in Amish mode after having driven around LaGrange County to update my knowledge of the area’s Amish culture. I grew up on the Indiana-Michigan line, my Grandma was a Hoosier, and we made frequent trips to Shipshewana, Middlebury, Bristol and the like).

We LOVE Mohogany, our 24′ motor home. She’s just right, not too big, not too small. Four days at home and then we are off to the UP of Michigan for some awesome nature before heading to Minnesota for heavy-duty grandchildren time. Everything seems to work in the unit, but WiFi on the road may be an infrequent experience, as campgrounds don’t seem to be bristling with bandwidth. No biggie, we’re ok with being offline on a regular basis.

Shout outs to friends for the recommends on where to get fresh fish in the UP! Julia and Steve, we’re headed toward the WallEye and Salmon! We’ll try to post pix of the beautiful waterfalls and the amazing geology to come next week. Hope you are enjoying the last weeks of summer.



Off the Cliff

Seven days left. Then the goats, ducks and barn cats are gone. The milking and cheesemaking cease. And we have two days to get our sh*t together and go pick up the MoHo (motor home). Her name will be Mohogany (see what we did there?) and she will be our every-other-six-weeks home for the next XX years.

So as to not lose our minds over losing our goats (actually, migrating them to another farm), we are giving our hearts to two new passions: our grandchildren. As farmers everywhere know, when you have livestock, you don’t travel at will. We’ve been here on the farm every summer for nine years, tending our goats. Now we have two splendid grandchildren and a HUGE hankering to see them regularly, so we’re going on the road.

That also means trekking. Lots of trekking. To all of North America’s road-accessible National and Provincial Parks. Some we’ll visit with the grands, many without. And for as long as she is able, our trusty 11-year-old Norwegian Elkhound Jules will be along.

So this is the maiden post. And the maiden voyage starts in ten days. Come along for the ride!

Cheers, Jill and George (and Jules)